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Aligning With Full Court of Atonement

Writer's picture: amyjoellisnewsamyjoellisnews

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

Below is a truckload of Full Court of Atonement statements that are meant to help you get the most out of the Court of Atonement.

Sometimes when we are reading these statements, we might notice ourselves yawning, burping, sneezing, blowing off… This is a sign that energy is moving, and it is a very good thing. (But you don't have to notice it for it to be working.)

As you read these statements, cross your arms and pat your shoulders to indicate that you are who you are talking about! (Just in case a part of you does not identify with your name.)

  1. I, ______, place myself, _______, into a Full Court of Atonement with my name. I bring in the entirety of my family lineages. I ask to resolve any and all conflicts, problems, and or issues with my name at their points of origin.

  2. I, ______, place myself, _______, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of correcting my Soul, Spirit and Bodies connection to my name. I ask to purify, sanctify, clear, and bless my name. I ask to connect the power of my birth name, _________, to any name that I choose to use. Say your chosen name now. I am, ________. I am, ________. I am, _________.

  3. I, ________, place myself, _______, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of Soul Recognition and Absorbed Sibling Resolution.

  4. I, _______, place myself, ________, and the entirety of my family lineages into a Full Court of Atonement. I ask to bring in all of our religious leaders and all of our guides for the purpose of educating everyone on the value and uses of the Full Court of Atonement. I ask for Soul Recognition and Absorbed Sibling Resolution for all of us.

  5. I, ________, place (myself), ____________, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of Traumatic Stress Resolution

  6. I, ________, place (myself), ____________, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of Grief Recovery Resolution

  7. I, ________, place (myself), ____________, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of Developing and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries.

  8. I, ________, place (myself), ____________, into a Full Court of Atonement with each and every level of my consciousness for the purpose of requesting divine intervention I ask for Life Force Energy Connection Optimization.

  9. I, ________, place (myself), ____________, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of Heart Center Optimization, Mind Center Optimization and Clarity of Heart Mind and Soul.

  10. I, ________, place (myself), ____________, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of evaluating my chakras and the polarity of energy in my energy field. I ask to adjust my energy bodies and their polarities to improve my health, happiness, and wellbeing.

  11. I ask to have my left and right brain circuitry evaluated and optimized to the most appropriate levels.

  12. I, _______, place (myself), ____________, into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of requesting divine assistance to help me use the Court of Atonement process and help me become my highest and best version of myself.

If you still do not feel grounded and centered, I recommend reading the blog post. "Help I am Out of Control." It will walk you through another process to help you step into your power.

If you are still not getting the results you are looking for, you might need to work on forgiveness.

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The Court of Atonement is Energy

clearing at the Soul LEVEL!


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